
No raw sewage disposed in Namelimeli Creek: Akbar

May 15, 2018 12:29 am

No raw sewage leakage or raw discharge was disposed in the Namelimeli Creek near the Navua Hospital says Health Minister, Rosy Akbar.

She says the raw sewage goes through several filtration processes whereby solid and liquid waste is separated and further filtration is done.

Akbar told Parliament today that a minor leak of filtered water had occurred as the volume of the waste water was in excess of the capacity of the designed absorption capacity.

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She says the matter was raised by the neighboring villages and was addressed immediately.

“Divisional office of the officer Central has been working with the local team and Navua Hospital and this includes the engineers on site with Ministry of Health team, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Water Authority of Fiji, Ministry of Provincial Development and commissioner Central division’s office, iTaukei Affairs and consultation with Roko Tui Namosi to consult the communities.”

Akbar says the septic and soapy pits are now emptied on a weekly basis to prevent spill over.

A multi- sectoral meeting with the residents will also be held later this month to discuss the issue.