
Minister for Women lauds forum innovation

April 2, 2019 7:41 am

[Source: Department of Information]

The recent graduation of 118 trainees by the Ba Women’s Forum has been lauded as a social innovation by Minister for Women Mereseini Vuniwaqa.

The BWF’s training center includes courses in Computer Studies and Arts and Crafters to promote recycling, shell crafting, flower arrangements and products such as folders and compendiums, traditional Fijian fans and decorative accessories.

Courses also cover sewing at basic, advanced and production levels as well as food preparation (cooking, baking, and preserves).

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The graduate trainees have attained certification in all these areas, with some graduating for dual skills.

The Ba Women’s Forum is led by Dr. Maria Doton and is in discussions with three new garment factories in Ba to access employment opportunities for their sewing graduates.