
Harsher penalties under new Marine Act

June 1, 2012 1:09 am

Higher and more comprehensive penalties are expected for maritime participants who breach the law under the new Maritime Act.

These penalties include monetary penalties, imprisonments and spot fines.

The New Act is expected to be endorsed by cabinet next month and implemented 6 months later to allow for participants and users ample time to comply.

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Also said to be included in the new act are avenues of redress for seafarers and participants with a Maritime Appeals Authority, the Maritime Safety Authority Appeals Committee and the High Court.

The Marine Act 1986 is currently under review with two decrees already formulated, the Maritime Transport Decree and the Ship Registration Decree.

The Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji says its received tremendous responses from the public and various stakeholders regarding the decrees and all commentaries are being considered.

The new act will have a modern approach of having laws that are user friendly where the public will be able to access the Maritime Transport Decree which is specifically for the regulation of Maritime Transportation including ship-borne pollution of both marine and atmospheric environments.

The public will also be able to access the Ship Registration decree which is specifically for the regulation of Ships Registration.

MSAF CEO Neal Slack says the drafts include the 7 International Maritime Organisation conventions recently endorsed by cabinet.