
Ghai on submissions

August 14, 2012 7:10 pm

The Constitution Commission will not politicise any submissions made by political parties.

Commission chairman Professor Yash Ghai says they will collect and vet all submissions made from every Fijian.

“We would like people to express their wishes abd their views. We want it to be an open and transparent process.”

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Meanwhile Ghai was surprised at the reaction of some on the issue of same sex marriages.

“I was a bit surprised to hear that because I wasnt aware that this was an issue in Fiji. I have observed that some people feel very strongly about this. My own personal view when I receive this kind of submissions is to ask them why they think a catergory of people who are citizens of Fiji should not have the complete rights to associate with whoever they want.”

The Commission will rest today and will continue with the hearing of the submissions from the public on Thursday.