
Flood waters in whole of Rakiraki town

December 18, 2016 11:30 pm

The whole of Rakiraki Town is now affected by flood waters.

Town resident, Shimadhri Narayan, who is on the first floor of his shop at this moment says this is one of the worst floods to have hit the Town.

“This flooding is something similar to what we experienced in 2014. From where I am looking at right now, there is flood waters in the whole of Rakiraki town. Rain is still pouring down and we don’t know what is going to happen next. Temporary wooden structures have been washed away while there are many things including shopping trolleys being carried away by flood waters. The damage is intense and we just don’t know what to expect next.”

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Access into Rakiraki Town is completely cut off with flood waters on all sides.

Naqoro Flats, Gallau Road and FSC road are all flooded making the town area inaccessible.

Access to the Hospital has been cut off due to flooded roads.