
Fiji Spearheads UN Anti-Corruption program

May 22, 2012 11:06 pm

Fiji Spearheads United Nations Anti-Corruption Program has been invited to provide a review of East Timor under the terms of a voluntary peer review process.

Officials, from the Attorney General’s office, have been dispatched to Dili, East Timor to review the laws, practices and policies of East Timor for compliance with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).

In 2007, Fiji was one of the first of the Pacific nations to ratify the UNCAC unreservedly.

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Following ratification, Fiji chose to be part of a voluntary peer review program to ensure compliance with the convention.

Fiji is joined by Namibia, which has also sent two officials, in the review of East Timor.

As a member of the peer review process, last year Fiji was reviewed by the United States and Bangladesh, and by France and Serbia the year before that.