
Excessive rainfall major contribution of flooding: Reddy

May 15, 2018 5:12 am

One of the major reasons for flooding in low lying areas is associated with the excessive rainfall resulting in high levels of water being rushed downstream.

Waterways Minister Mahendra Reddy says these runoffs are beyond the capacity which drains and rivers can contain.

“The longitudinal profile of most of our catchment indicates that the upper catchment slopes that are very steep in nature followed by rapid transition to the mature canal and flood plain slopes to the ocean.”

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Reddy says the Ministry has worked out some solutions to address flooding in the low lying areas, particularly through the establishment of the proper catchment systems.

He adds the system will record rainfall in the commonly affected areas after which the Ministry will collect the data and make it available for those in low lying areas to understand the flooding patterns to allow them to take precautionary measures.