
Damage to the Agriculture sector stands at $11.7 million after TD04F

December 31, 2016 7:59 pm

The total value of damage caused by the recent tropical depression on Fiji’s agriculture sector amounts to $11.7 million.

The Ministry of Agriculture has concluded field assessment on the damage to the production of crops, livestock and agricultural infrastructure in all the four divisions of the country.

According to the Ministry, most of the damages occurred to crops in the Central Division, which were along the river banks of Waidina, Wainimala, Wainibuka and Waimanu rivers.

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The assessment indicates that the Central Division sustained the highest loss of $8.0 million followed by the Western Division which recorded a loss of $2.3 million while damages from TD04F in the Northern Division amounted to $1.4 million while Eastern Division suffered a loss of $40,000.